At the Rick Mahorn Big Man Camp one of the focuses of our mental coaching sessions is working with guys on developing a WARRIOR MINDSET.
The recent film "12 Strong" about a U.S. Special Ops team sent to Afghanistan after 9/11 to provide tactical support to a local leader and his militia fighting the Taliban, offers an interesting insight.
The U.S. team was there to liaison with American air strikes.
In one pivotal scene the American captain tells the Afghan leader, "I'm your link to the greatest weapon in the history of civilization, General. You've got to start trusting me."
To which the Afghani replies:
"The greatest weapon in history is THIS (pointing to his heart). I don't have soldiers in my army - not one. ONLY WARRIORS.
Stop being a soldier (pointing to his head) and start using THIS (pointing again to his heart), and you can be a warrior too."
In an earlier post I wrote about how Kobe Bryant used music to bring on his warrior's heart: What Kobe Learned from the Movies
The recent film "12 Strong" about a U.S. Special Ops team sent to Afghanistan after 9/11 to provide tactical support to a local leader and his militia fighting the Taliban, offers an interesting insight.
The U.S. team was there to liaison with American air strikes.
In one pivotal scene the American captain tells the Afghan leader, "I'm your link to the greatest weapon in the history of civilization, General. You've got to start trusting me."
To which the Afghani replies:
"The greatest weapon in history is THIS (pointing to his heart). I don't have soldiers in my army - not one. ONLY WARRIORS.
Stop being a soldier (pointing to his head) and start using THIS (pointing again to his heart), and you can be a warrior too."
In an earlier post I wrote about how Kobe Bryant used music to bring on his warrior's heart: What Kobe Learned from the Movies